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Leadership Starts at Home

My Dad passed away from cancer in 2018. He was 82 years old. The drive home from MD Anderson was, by far, the worst day of my life, but focusing on that sad day doesn’t honor the life he lived and all the good days we had with him.

As humans, we tend to dwell on life’s bad moments. The times when things don’t go our way. But today, on Father’s Day, I’m reminded of all the days that couldn’t have gone any better.

Like the day my 6’ 2,” Dad climbed inside a small tent in his living room to have a tea party with my then 5-year-old daughter.

Like the day my dad took my kids fishing at the Linney Place, a piece of land in the small town of Woodsboro, Texas, where he and his brothers raised cattle.

Like the day my dad told me he was proud of how I lived my life: “You’re scrappy like your Mama; you never give up and always figure it out.”

Like the day, my dad pulled the car over and pulled a cardboard box out of the trunk so his four children could save a turtle crossing an old country road. That turtle would never have made it in one piece without our help, and Dad was kind enough to know.

Like the decades, my dad, a geologist for Pennzoil and a busy man himself, showed up for his kids and grandkids by attending every sporting event, every performance, and every single thing that mattered to us.

So today, I want to remember those days and be grateful for a dad like him. He showed me, my brother and sisters and our children what leadership looks like.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads who lead and love their families and give them ALL the good days.

BAck To The Blog

Written by Pam Nemec


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