As a CEO, you care deeply about your company’s culture. You understand that a strong, positive culture is essential for your brand’s success. Yet, despite your best efforts, you might find yourself struggling to bring this culture to life, especially when it comes to ensuring that your team respectfully and effectively works together. Could it […]

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I heard this quote years ago, and it stuck with me. “WHAT YOU FOCUS ON EXPANDS!” I was in my early thirties when I realized that life would not always go my way. Many times, it wouldn’t. So, I had to learn to shift my perspective quickly and for my own good. I could easily […]

Recently, I had the privilege of attending an in-person training event in Nashville, TN, hosted by Brand Builders Group (BBG) a personal branding strategy firm. As a member and client of BBG, I went into the event expecting to glean valuable insights and actionable tips—I left with that and much more. From the moment I […]

A friend of mine recently told me that she had once worked for the “best, worst culture, ever!”

This organization was known for being a “fun” place to work. They talked about it in their recruiting efforts, bragged about it in company-wide meetings, and leaders used it as a way to rally the team.

The problem was that although they had the parties, the perks and the speeches to point to, the actual employee experience, the one people dealt with every day, was filled with chaos, confusion and conflict.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the workplace, one thing is for certain – generational differences are shaping the way we communicate within our teams. As a company culture consultant and keynote speaker, I’ve had the privilege of delving into the intricacies of workplace dynamics, and one key revelation is that the best brands are built from the inside-out, starting with the employee experience.

Years ago, I watched what I thought would be my “happily ever after” very suddenly fall apart after 17 years of marriage. When it did, I was concerned how it would impact my kids and my ability to do my job. Because I had a connected leader, one who had built trust with me over […]

Meet Pam Nemec

Pam Nemec is a well-respected executive leader in the hospitality industry. Her thought leadership around brand culture and communications have led to recruiting, retaining, and caring for over 48,000+ employees (Family Members) over 20 years, for one of the most revered brands in the fast-food industry.
She has been widely recognized for blazing a trail in both social media, communications, and community outreach. She led her team in connecting brand sentiment with immense ROI, as they successfully engaged hundreds of millions of customers.



Build a Brand that's Remarkable from the Inside Out