As a CEO, you care deeply about your company’s culture. You understand that a strong, positive culture is essential for your brand’s success. Yet, despite your best efforts, you might find yourself struggling to bring this culture to life, especially when it comes to ensuring that your team respectfully and effectively works together. Could it […]

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I just hung up from an unexpected phone call from a past CEO and President that I worked with for about 18 years. For a good portion of those 18 years, he was also my boss. I loved working for him because he was not only smart and strategic, but he was always willing to […]

Creating an inspiring company culture has always been important, but in 2022 (and beyond) it will be critical. Some leaders think that putting company culture first will sacrifice performance, but the truth is when you put people and culture first you propel performance! It’s not about ping pong and pizza parties. It’s about holding leaders […]

Have you read the book “Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek?  There’s a chapter that talks about the “Circle of Safety” and how extending that “circle” to all employees in your organization (not just the top execs or your favorite people) allows everyone to work as a team against the outside forces of the world. […]

You’ve heard the saying “These boots are made for walking”, well these heels were made for running!   As a single parent, I used to get up early to get myself and my kids ready for the day. I’d drop them off at their schools, then do my best to make the long commute to work […]

Meet Pam Nemec

Pam Nemec, is a brand culture expert and speaker. Her thought leadership around Brand Culture via HR and Brand Communications has led to recruiting, retaining, and caring for over 50,000 employees and connecting with millions of customers over the course of her 30-year career, where she ultimately served as the head of HR, Brand Communications & Culture for Whataburger, a multi-billion-dollar Texas based restaurant brand.

She has been widely recognized for blazing a trail in social media, public relations, employee communications, and human resources, merging them in ways that are innovative, resulting in high employee engagement, increased retention, and admired brand culture. 



Meet Pam Nemec

Pam Nemec, is a brand culture expert and speaker. Her thought leadership around Brand Culture via HR and Brand Communications has led to recruiting, retaining, and caring for over 50,000 employees and connecting with millions of customers over the course of her 30-year career, where she ultimately served as the head of HR, Brand Communications & Culture for Whataburger, a multi-billion-dollar Texas based restaurant brand.

She has been widely recognized for blazing a trail in social media, public relations, employee communications, and human resources, merging them in ways that are innovative, resulting in high employee engagement, increased retention, and admired brand culture. 

Under her tutelage, her team successfully connected brand sentiment with immense ROI, engaging hundreds of millions of customers and tens of thousands of employees. Pam spearheaded widely successful digital recruitment campaigns, launched a digital newsroom, led award winning social media efforts, and built communication systems to protect and promote their sought-after culture. 

All of this resulted in loyal employees and fanatical customers. Her initiatives and insights have been featured in national media outlets such as USA Today, QSR, Nations Restaurant News and Texas Monthly, to name a few. 

Pam knows that a business can only be as good as the internal cohesion and satisfaction of its employees, hence her drive and continued advocacy for building systems that protect and promote the employee and customer experience. Pam speaks and consults on her proprietary model The Remarkable Brand Blueprint: 8 Steps to Building an Unbeatable Brand from the Inside Out.

Build a Brand that's Remarkable from the Inside Out